
Hopefully you have had a look round my site and got a better idea about me as a therapist, how I work and whats involved. If so, you’re probably on this page considering your options and trying to justify it to yourself.

That is completely understandable. One of the difficulties everyone has in justifying starting therapy is the unknown. You don’t know how the outcome is going to be. It’s not like getting new clothes, where you get the nice outfit you wanted! Instead you’re talking to some guy about your personal issues! You probably feel there is risk in that.

That’s why the best way to get a more informed decision is to take advantage of a FREE initial consultation , have a relaxed chat with me and we can take it from there.

I offer daytime and evening sessions, with ongoing sessions charged at the following rates:




See Online Therapy for more details.




See location for more details

  • Payments can be made by bank transfer or by card/cash for in-person sessions.

  • Cancellation requires 48 hrs notice or full payment will be required (See policy page)

  • I keep my pricing to a minimum with competitive rates. I also limit the number of clients I see per week to ensure a personally focused service, and do not operate a sliding scale for fees.


Therapy is an investment in yourself. Think how much you may spend treating yourself to something such as a new gadget or new clothes. These things are great but the fulfilment is relatively short lived.
Unfortunately most of us, haven’t yet realised the benefits of investing in ourselves through therapy, or how enlightening and rewarding it can be. Ultimately, allowing you to enjoy everything life has to offer from a healthier way of being.

Despite being passionate about what I do, bills still need paid. Therefore I have to charge as it is my job. Although, I am committed to ensuring the best value service available.


This profession takes years of expensive training and education. Also, due to the necessity to adapt to every unique circumstance which can be presented, education and training never stops. Including continued professional development, regular supervision and ongoing courses for further knowledge, experience and qualification. All to ensure I can offer you the most up to date and effective service possible.

Edinburgh Counselling and Psychotherapy Practice


Tailored specifically for you